Friday, October 05, 2007

Facebook for events?

I have written about Facebook and Asia's media industry a couple of times (most recently here). To be honest, I remain unclear whether it has any value beyond the truly social and amusing. It's certainly an addictive interface.

The now very occasional TSMI's Trade Show Marketing Report blog reports on a Facebook app (widget) directly aimed at events. It notes that Event Connector "is basically a widget that announces to the world that you're going to some event and will compile a list of friends and friends of friends on Facebook who have also stated their intent to attend the same event. You can also place the widget on TypePad and Blogger blogs".

Along with the blogger, I am a bit sceptical of this impact of this on mainstream trade shows. But, heh, who knows?

Update: this is obviously on other people's minds too. An interesting post here on the Web 2.0 Asia blog with some experience from Korea which pre-dates MySpace or Facebook.

1 comment:

Pete Warden said...

Thanks for the link Paul. I definitely think it's something that requires some important preconditions; a decent number of attendees using Facebook, an event where meeting people is key, and an organizer willing to set up an event.

It was initially a one-off I wrote for the Defrag Conference, but since it was popular, I wanted to try and make it work for some other meetings.
