Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Korea beats Japan

The OECD has just released the latest information on broadband density among its members. Denmark wins (tillykke to the Danes), followed by the Netherlands, and Iceland. Those small, cold places obviously like their band to be broad.

In fourth place for this measure of broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants (drum roll), comes Korea, far and away the highest placed in Asia. Japan is tucked down in 14th place between France (13) and the United States (15). As you can see from the chart I've tucked in here (click on it to make it big enough to read), these two also come ahead of Australia (16) and New Zealand (21).

Hong Kong doesn't rank as it presumably gets lumped in with the rest of China. Is Singapore not an OECD member? I'll bet they wish they were if they're not.

Update: In answer to my own question, no Singapore is not one of the 30 members of the OECD. See here for the list of those who are in the 'club'.


Doing Business in Japan? said...

Hi Paul

I like your blog. Interesting reading!

Readers of your blog may also be interested to check out the following blog too, which refers to staff training procedures for those travelling to Japan on business trips for the first time:

Doing business in Japan?


Cross Culture Training Japan


Paul Woodward said...

I normally delete ads posted as comments, but readers may be interested at least in the concept of the web-based cross-cultural training linked here. With no sense of endorsement intended, I'll leave it up.
