Saturday, January 21, 2012

UFI survey lowered expectations for global exhibition industry

News this week: UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, announced the results of its biannual “Global Barometer Survey. Data of the survey was collected from 172 companies from 49 countries which includes UFI members and members of SISO (Society of Independent Show Organizers) in the U.S., AFIDA (Asociacion International de Ferias de America) in Central and South America, and EXSA, the Exhibition and Events Association of Southern Africa.

While the 8th survey shows that a majority of respondents in all regions declaring their business were impacted by the economic crisis, but they recorded positive growth in 2011. In terms of gross turnover projections, Europe is the only region to be considered flat, while Asia/Pacific remains solid, Americas and the Middle East/Africa regions remain relatively unaffected.

Looking ahead, however, the outlook is less optimistic. In past surveys, 63% of companies stated that they expected the economic crisis would be over by the end of 2012. Now, close to 50 percent believe it will not end until 2013.

This post is excerpted from BSG's weekly e-newsletter which is part of our subscription research service, BSG Tracker. Visit our website to find out more about this service. You can also follow us on Twitter for all the latest updates.

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