Friday, March 02, 2007

English window opens on Chinese Internet blogs

I am obliged to the China Web 2.0 Review for pointing me towards the new English version of YeeYan. The Chinese site has, apparently, been doing "a terrific job" at "translat[ing] articles, mainly blog posts, on tech, startups and internet into Chinese, to help to bridge the language gap".

One current front page post which I assume will get a good deal of attention is "US Internet companies' top 10 mistakes". This translation so far includes just the first two points which appear to be:

  1. Aiming only for elite spenders and ignoring the huge number of less wealthy users.
  2. A preference for avoiding negative press and getting forgotten in the process. It is suggested that the Chinese Internet's most successful self-publicists, Jack Ma of and Zhou Hongyi, will take the hits if it keeps their companies on the front pages.
For those who can read Chinese, all 10 points are here. The illiterate rest of us will have to wait for Yee Ding to finish posting the translations!

If you can't get enough of what western companies are doing wrong in China, there's a translation of IT Times September 2006 cover story titled "Yahoo's Fiasco in China".

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