Friday, May 27, 2005

Over 24 million blogs in Asia

The Blog Herald reports that there are now over 60 million blogs. Of these, it claims, some 24.35 million are in Asia.

Japan: 3.35 million blogs
confirmed here first through a Japan Today report and now by Steve Rubel 3 days later.

China: 4 million
NY Times 24 May

South Korea: 15 million
new reports are still difficult to get out of South Korea, so I’m using the same figure as last month. Give how high it is a can’t see a huge amount of growth left in South Korea for blogs.

Other Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Phillipines): approx 1 million
mixed reports and no firm figures so again I’ve stuck with last months figures. What I have managed to stumble on to is some really good blogs coming out of these countries and vibrant blogging communities, but alas no figure.

India/ Pakistan: approx 1 million
no firm figures however I’ve noticed a significant rise out of India recently, and certainly the Indian press is also reporting on the emergence of Indian blogs, which is a sure sign that there must be a reasonable number there.

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