Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Off to Macau

I'll be heading over to Macau in a few minutes, along with some 3,000 of my closest friends for the opening of the Venetian. Many column inches around the world today are occupied with it including Keith Bradsher's piece in the IHT which also appears in the New York Times (or is it the other way round? I'm never sure).

Interestingly, the headline writers have taken different tacks with the same copy. In Paris, the IHT boys have gone the "uncertainty" route which has been favoured in Hong Kong the past few days. "For Macao, gambling is no guarantee for the future", they say. Meanwhile, the NYT takes the more gee shucks, ain't it big approach with "Bigger Than Las Vegas? That’s Macao’s Bet".

The invitation card I received to the Venetian event was indeed the biggest I have ever received for anything. More tomorrow on the party itself.

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